
Donut Chart

Original price was: $ 15.Current price is: $ 10.


A donut chart is a circular data visualization that resembles a pie chart with a hole in the center. It displays categorical data as slices of a circle, where each slice represents a category and the size of the slice corresponds to the proportion of that category relative to the whole. The hole in the center of the chart allows for additional information or labels to be displayed, making it a space-efficient way to convey data and compare the relative sizes of categories.


  1. Visualizing Proportions: Donut charts are used to visualize the proportions of different categories within a dataset. Each slice of the chart represents a category, and the size of the slice corresponds to the proportion of that category relative to the whole. This allows viewers to quickly grasp the distribution of data.
  2. Comparing Categories: Donut charts facilitate comparison between categories by displaying them side by side. Users can easily compare the sizes of the slices and identify which categories are relatively larger or smaller in the dataset.
  3. Highlighting Differences: Donut charts help in highlighting differences in the distribution of data across categories. Users can quickly identify categories that stand out or have significantly different proportions compared to others.
  4. Showing Part-to-Whole Relationships: Donut charts effectively illustrate part-to-whole relationships within a dataset. The entire circle represents the whole dataset, while each slice represents a part or category. This makes it easy to see how each category contributes to the overall dataset.
  5. Enhancing Data Presentation: Donut charts are visually appealing and can enhance the presentation of data in reports, presentations, and dashboards. Their circular layout and clear visualization of proportions make them an effective tool for communicating insights to stakeholders.



  1. Visualizing Budget Allocation: Donut charts can be used to visualize how a budget is allocated across different expense categories. Each slice of the chart represents a category of expenses (e.g., housing, transportation, food), allowing viewers to quickly understand how funds are distributed.
  2. Displaying Market Share: Donut charts are commonly used to display market share data, where each slice represents the share of a company or product in the market. This allows stakeholders to see the relative dominance of different players in a particular industry.
  3. Analyzing Sales Performance: In sales and marketing, donut charts can be used to analyze sales performance across different products, regions, or sales channels. Each slice represents a product or region, making it easy to identify top performers and areas for improvement.
  4. Presenting Survey Results: Donut charts are useful for presenting the results of surveys or polls, where each slice represents the percentage of respondents selecting a particular option. This provides a visual summary of survey responses and allows viewers to see the distribution of opinions.
  5. Monitoring Project Progress: Donut charts can be used to monitor the progress of projects by visualizing the completion status of different tasks or milestones. Each slice represents a task or milestone, making it easy to track progress and identify areas that may require attention.
  6. Comparing Revenue Sources: In financial analysis, donut charts can be used to compare revenue sources within a business (e.g., product lines, sales channels). Each slice represents a revenue source, allowing stakeholders to see which sources contribute the most to overall revenue.





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